Different configurations of dog harness are engineered for the various types of dog activity, including walking, tracking, carting, freighting, police work,racing, and sledding among others.
It is essential to choose a harness specifically designed for Carting. Carting harnesses come in two basic configurations: the Siwash
and the Cross Chest (or Parade) Harness.
The Newfoundland Club of America Draft Equipment Guide explains the two types of harnesses and helps you choose which one you would like. It also shows proper fitting of each type.
This video also shows harnessing with both a siwash and parade style harness
Carting harnesses can be purchased from commercial sellers, can be custom fabricated by harness makers, or can be homemade. Links below:
Make your own Carting Harness
Harnesses – Commercial harness sales
(partial list;we make no endorsement of any retail establishment)
Measuring for a Siwash Harness (video)
How To Harness your dog: